Thursday, March 4, 2010

Je ne regrette rien

Karl Lagerfeld says the Sword of Damocles should be hanging over every friendship. And when there's a faux pas, a trespass, a betrayal, a f-up, it comes down like an Iron Curtain and there's no looking back. He's not interested in forgiveness. He said he has no time for it, he didn't grow up Catholic, he will not turn the other cheek. He lives in the eternal now; he doesn't look back, regret. To quote Edith Piaf: non, je ne regrette rien!

1 comment:

  1. I remember him saying that- Fuck yes. But I'm a softie and can't all of us get along... My mom says I'm like Jesus. Mai, je ne regrette rien, moi aussi, si en est un cul.
