Wednesday, May 13, 2009


A. calls me out of the blue (i.e. heroin addiction recovery) and says he wants to be friends again but in order to do so I need to personally invite N. as well to make her feel comfortable and important and basically cater to her and not make her feel like a second class citizen. Then he says I can only call him during emergencies, Wed. through Friday from 6pm-11pm; otherwise A. has to call him. And once, ten years ago or whatever I supposedly made fun of her last name, saying it's German, as if that were such a horrible thing. And I recall many many instances when I went out of my way to invite both A and N, always using plural on the answer machine. But as I just told him, I don't have the energy to put up with the foibles of an insecure adult person (I have a toddler) and I cannot live by rules such as only calling during certain times of the week at certain times. I mean who can keep track of such shit? And A. said, well, maybe that means that we'll be seeing less of each other... when really, I haven't seen in him in probably four months. So I hung up on him. I will never forget the time he facilitated getting me out of the psych ward and holding me all night when I was too scared to live, and visiting him when he was in a coma, and we have a lot of history together... This is so very sad. But I just don't have the energy for it.

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