Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fucking MDs (not as in "they are fucking" but "they suck ass")

I'm pretty sure it was bile, I say to the nice youngish female doctor at Urgent Care. It probably wasn't, she says. It was bright green, I say. It probably was something else. Something he's eaten. But he hasn't eaten for three days and the last thing was spaghetti! And then I ask her about homeopathy, because I have these pellets called Nux Vomica, and she says: I know in Europe they work a lot with probiotics, but here they just aren't standardized. (note from the editor: Nux Vomica is Strychnine, as related to probiotics as arsenic and butter). And finally I say, so there's nothing you can prescribe for him? And she says, no, just try to get him to drink an ounce of pedialyte every 15 minutes. And just wondering, why did you refuse the Hep B vaccination? Because he isn't going to have sex anytime soon? I offer. Fuck the American medical system. Fuck Fuck Fuck.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried plain white rice cooked soft? And, instead of Pediolyte, try jello water. He needs the sugar to keep his energy up. Don't try to feed him the amounts he ate before he became ill because his stomach has shrunk, give just enough to try to settle his stomach. If he continues to vomit or if he vomits green bile again, take him to an emergency room. This was copied from the British Medical Journal, "Though yellow vomit does not exclude intestinal obstruction, the presence of green vomiting in a baby is a surgical emergency and requires expeditious referral." Trust yourself! Something is wrong.
