Standing at the door with a gun in my hand, staring at his ear, staring at the... crapped out page, which intern X. ruined. Problem is, intern X. has a hearing aid and thus I am not allowed to fire him, because that would be against the disability act or whatever. So we have conversations like:
Me: This is an image; therefore it cannot be an h1.
He: uh-huh.
Five minutes later.
He: this strikes me as an image!
Me: choking sounds
we try again.
Me: Can you give me three book covers 400 pixels wide?
He: J. Sylvie wants me to give her three book covers. How many pixels wide?
J: ask Sylvie
He: how many pixels wide?
Me: still 400
he: uh. ok
I get three book covers that are 400 pixels tall.