When I visited my old office yesterday, François, the big fat short door man from a French-speaking African country I don't remember, who used to always fawn and almost faint over my beauté, says as a greeting: 'Wow, you 'ave gotten big! 'ow much you gained? 'ow much you now weigh?' And to emphasize this, he motions with his plump short arms, as though he were holding an enormous beach ball. I say: Salut, François. Comment ça va? And then, je regrette, I don't know how to say "in this country we don't comment to people's face about their weight gain, especially to women. It's extremely rude." I couldn't even think of the French for rude. Anyway, these things happen to me all the time and when I tell people they don't believe me. But it's the truth, alas.