I did nothing bad, but I ran a stop sign because I was running out of gas. At least that's my logic. The cops didn't find it logical though and I had to walk and then talk my way out of going to jail, when they said my eyes looked bloodshot and shifty. I said I had one drink and I have allergies and I'm just a shifty looking kind of person. Then they noticed I'm not from around here and we talked about the Autobahn a bit and exchanged a bit of racism about illegal aliens. I think that got me off the hook. Thank you!!! Nevertheless, my mind keeps going back and back and back to the image of myself on the corner of Figueroa and Ave. 50, against a fence with three cop cars surrounding me, and the Mc Donalds sign in the corner of my eye and the near fatal brush with a DUI. The stuff of nightmares.