Thanks to the NY Times, I now know that at the old age of 61 (and over) I can look forward to something with the fascinating name elderspeak. Alas, it is not some inspirational wisdom that the senior citizens develop as they ripen, and which younger folks receive with glee. No, elderspeak is:
Using terms like "honey" or "dear."
Using statements that sound like questions.
Using a singsong voice, changing pitch and tone, exaggerating words.
Simplifying the length and complexity of sentences.
Speaking more slowly.
Using limited vocabulary.
And it seriously fucks old people up, not only eroding older adults' self-esteem but causing them to perform significantly worse on memory and balance tests. In short: it cuts 7.5 years from your life.
I can relate. Every time I'm addressed as "ladies" in a restaurant, a part of me dies a little.