I'm not sure if I dreamed this or read it a long time ago, that Salvador Dali would nap with a bunch of keys in his hand. And when the keys fell to the floor and made a noise, he would wake up and that was his power nap. I don't know why I always think of that whenever I feel like taking a nap in the afternoon. Maybe because I feel guilty for taking such long naps that leave my cotton mouthed and catatonic. I can’t just “nap.” I fall unconscious. And dream that I'm a car thief. But I only steal very small cars, Fiat Unos, Smart Cars and Austin Minis.
Note from the editor: Dali napped in his armchair, holding not keys but a spoon over a metal pan on the floor below. When he hit REM and lost muscle tonus, the spoon would fall from his grip, bang the metal pan and awaken him.